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Established in 1992 acquiring the patented Xenolite lightweight x-ray protection business and technology from DuPont.

Xenolite is now the most recognized and tested lightweight x-ray protection product in the world.

Nearly 200,000 aprons are sold in over 24 countries. Headquartered near Philadelphia, Lite Tech is one of the few fully integrated x-ray apron manufacturers.

Lite Tech produces its own proprietary core/sheet materials and has apron manufacturing in Norristown, PA.

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Xenoite Lead Free

Xenolite Lead-Free is the world’s lightest-weight apron material when compared at equal protection (80 kV-120 kV). Tin-based competitive materials are 15 to 30% heavier for the same protection.

Xenolite Lead-Free delivers and guarantees its stated mm Pb protection at 100 kV. Most tin-based products are designed and tested at only 80 kV which is their peak protection. They do not provide the stated/label protection at 100 kV where there is two to three times greater transmission and exposure than at 80 kV.

Xenolite Lead-Free is the only lead-free material in the USA which meets the tough new IEC world standard for apron protection (IEC 61331-3/1) at both the 80 kV & 100 kV test levels, with 0.15/0.25 mID Cu filtration.

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Xenolite Price List PDF

Xenolite Order Form PDF